I have been providing support to individuals for over twenty years in one capacity or another. I initially began as a PSW and many of my clients and families were struggling with palliative and end of life decisions. Often I would extend my visits to allow for time to listen to their concerns. I found fulfillment when providing this special level of care.
As my professional journey continued, I became a Registered Social Service Worker and later studied to become a Certified Grief Educator and End of Life Doula. My experience with healthcare and home care organizations , cognitive impairments and palliative care, allows me to provide my clients support from a strong knowledge base and an understanding of the many challenges that accompany these situations. Guidance, compassion, empathy, and sharing my knowledge are my core strengths.
As a Certified Grief Educator, I’m committed to providing the highest level of grief support through education, experience and insights into the often rocky terrain of grief. Certified Grief Educators have completed a certified program designed by world-renowned grief expert, David Kessler. I bring his unique methodology, tools and decades of experience to help people navigate the challenges of grief.
Whether you are needing help with end of life decisions, experiencing a difficult life transition or have recently lost someone close to you, open and heartfelt conversation can bring clarity and hope back into your life.
My vision is that those experiencing a difficult life event, will have access to all of the options available to them, and their voice will be heard. My mission is to provide comfort, support and advocacy to those in their time of need. My hope is that we all will have the opportunity to live our lives to the fullest until our last breath.
May you find peace and comfort from the relationships that have enriched your life.